Hi guys!
May is my birthday month, I'll be thirty then. I'm planning to have a giveaway in celebration of that. The giveaway will be launched this month and will end sometime in May. I still haven't decided on how to go about it.
I'm also having some problems with my blogs. (I can't post pictures!!!!) As much as I want to put up a teaser here, I can't. And just so you know, I'll be blogging from a more reserved venue until I resolve this problem. Enjoy my blog The Mommy Diaries at Yousaytoo.com Please copy-paste this link on your browser to get there: http://adf.ly/13WmE or this one http://adf.ly/10k9p I'll be posting my giveaway mechanics there.
Hint: It has something to do with a product review I will be posting soon. So stay tuned!